Jacoti launches ListenApp in the App store

July 3rd, 2012·PDF VERSION
Mockups of Jacoti Listenapp in 2012

About Jacoti

Jacoti BV | Hearing Technologies is a science-based company that develops hearing enhancement solutions embeddable in consumer devices. Its flagship product, Jacoti Inside, optimizes audio to each individual hearing requirement from consumer technologies to fully-fledged medical devices. For more information visit jacoti.com

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The main goal for Jacoti ListenApp is to bring state-of-the-art Hearing Loss compensation technology to mild and moderate hearing-impaired individuals throughout the world for a fraction of the price of a standard audiphones using mobile health technology and web based health-care services.

Jacoti ListenApp is a mobile application that uses the default earphones and microphones of the device for providing a calibrated hearing response. The patient can himself fit Jacoti ListenApp based on the audiogram measured by his/her own certified audiologist. Additionally, Jacoti ListenApp provides certified audiologists access to Jacoti’s web-based remote fitting platform that allows configuring Jacoti ListenApp remotely.

  • Affordable: Jacoti ListenApp runs on off-the-shelf devices, thus allowing its cost to be a fraction of traditional hearing aids.
  • Serviceable: Jacoti ListenApp runs on off-the-shelf devices that are easily replaceable.
  • Additionally, as a software based solution, it can be upgraded seamlessly over the Internet.
  • Usable: Jacoti ListenApp is designed for simplicity so even inexperienced users can easily set it up and use it.

In addition to taking the patient’s individual hearing difficulties into account, Jacoti ListenApp provides specific so-called listening modes, which allows the patient to configure ListenApp as Hearing Aid which focuses on speech understanding, or as a Music Player, which focuses on music enjoyment.