Qualcomm's State of Sound Report 2023: A Jacoti Overview on the evolution of personal audio

October 4th, 2023·PDF VERSION
Qualcomm 2023 State of Sound Report cover

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Jacoti Hearing Technologies is a science-based company that develops hearing enhancement solutions embeddable in consumer devices. Its flagship product, Jacoti Inside, optimizes audio to each individual hearing requirement from consumer technologies to fully-fledged medical devices. For more information visit jacoti.com

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In an era where audio experiences are an integral part of our daily lives, the personal audio landscape is rapidly evolving. Qualcomm's State of Sound Report 2023 sheds light on how consumers' use of wireless audio devices is undergoing a transformative shift. This year's research reveals a fascinating journey, from traditional audio activities to new, complex use cases like workplace productivity, gaming, and hearing enhancement.

An All-Purpose Device for the Modern Listener

One striking revelation from the report is that listeners are seeking audio devices that can seamlessly adapt to multiple use cases. Gone are the days of owning separate gadgets for music, calls, and video. Today's consumers are looking for one device that can do it all and over half of the respondents are using earbuds and headphones on a daily basis. The result? Increased daily usage and longer listening sessions. Respondents are looking for richer, more reliable, and seamless audio experiences in the future. They envision a world where technology seamlessly integrates into their lives.

The Pursuit of Premium Sound

While the demand for wireless earbuds continues to surge, there's also a growing appetite for premium sound experiences. 73% of respondents stated, “I make sure that sound quality on my devices gets better and better with every purchase”.

Listening Comfort Matters

It's interesting to note that sound quality is no longer the primary driver of purchases. Instead, comfort in the ear has taken the lead, and this preference is closely linked to the fact that people are using their audio devices more often on a daily basis and for longer listening sessions. As spending on audio devices increases, price becomes less of a concern.

Auracast™ and the Future of Audio Sharing

Auracast™ has become a topic of significant interest for consumers, and for good reason. Auracast™ is a broadcast technology supported by Bluetooth LE audio, that allows listeners to effortlessly switch between audio sources on two different devices or broadcast sound to large audiences in public settings. When asked “Which of the following audio-sharing experiences would you be interested in?” respondents showed a notable preference for using it to enhance their hearing in challenging audio environments, indicating a growing interest in hearing assistance adjusted to their needs.

Hearing Enhancement Goes Mainstream

Hearing enhancement is emerging as a prominent use case for personal audio. Hearing enhancement is not only for those with hearing loss, 61% of respondents said they struggle to hear in busy workplaces, lecture halls and meeting rooms, making the use case to improve hearing in live sound situations as crucial as superb audio quality in streamed content.

An impressive 24% of respondents consider hearing assistance/enhancement as an important factor when buying their next earbuds. Among the age groups, it is surprising to observe how those aged 18-44 (27%) are more inclined towards this feature compared to those aged 45-64 (20%).

Personalized Audio Gains Traction

Surprisingly, 60% of respondents mentioned hearing personalization (one-time hearing tests for personalized audio) as a purchase driver for their next earbuds/headphones. However, this interest was substantially higher in China and India, with over 80% expressing interest. These countries, two of the world’s emerging hubs for gaming and eSports, also boast the highest adoption of gaming headsets.

The Future of Hearing Enhancement

This year's responses suggest that hearing enhancement could become a mainstream feature in the personal audio market. With Jacoti Inside for personalized streaming audio and live sound situations, listeners stand to benefit from these innovations, enabling them to engage with the world around them fully. This highlights the evolving landscape of personal audio, as hearing personalization transitions from being a 'luxury' item to an essential feature of headsets/hearables, much like how ANC has become standard in nearly all devices.

Stay tuned for more exciting developments in the world of personal audio for personal devices, where Qualcomm and Jacoti are shaping the future of sound together.

The State of Sound report is an annual study featuring a summary of research insights into audio consumer behaviours and desires. In order to better understand the features that today’s users look for in audio products, Qualcomm looked at what drives consumers to purchase audio devices, analyzing current and future use cases for consumer audio.

Read the full report: 2023 State of Sound Report: A global analysis of audio consumer behaviours and desires