Jacoti to Present Award-Winning Hearing Technologies at HLAA/IFOH ’16 and Simons Foundation.

June 20th, 2016·PDF VERSION
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About Jacoti

Jacoti BV | Hearing Technologies is a science-based company that develops hearing enhancement solutions embeddable in consumer devices. Its flagship product, Jacoti Inside, optimizes audio to each individual hearing requirement from consumer technologies to fully-fledged medical devices. For more information visit jacoti.com

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Jacoti bvba’s innovative approach and products continue to attract worldwide attention in the rapidly-growing area of hearing personalisation and hearing loss compensation for mobile devices.

Jacoti will present and demonstrate the award-winning Jacoti Hearing Suite at the upcoming joint Hearing Loss Association of America/International Federation of the Hard of Hearing Convention in Washington, DC that runs from June 23 to 26, 2016. An interconnected collection of cloud-enabled iOS applications, Jacoti Hearing Suite provides universal hearing support for individuals with profound hearing losses to those with normal hearing who simply would like to hear better. Jacoti Hearing Suite is the CES 2016 Innovation Award Honoree for Technology for a Better World.

On June 20, Jacoti will participate in a Simons Foundation Workshop in New York City on wireless connectivity for people with hearing loss. The company will demonstrate and discuss the technology behind Jacoti Jacoti’s innovative low-latency Wi-Fi-based assistive listening solution for classrooms.

Jacoti believes that hearing accessibility is a right, not an option. Jacoti welcomes the important recommendations in the just-released National Academy of Sciences report on the state of adult hearing health care in the US. This report included calls for more rigorous, long-term research on the progression of hearing loss over an individual’s lifetime; wider and earlier use of personalised hearing technology by people with mild or moderate loss; and easier accessibility to safe and effective hearing assistance, especially to currently underserved communities.

Hearing loss will be tackled both by medical products and consumer-oriented solutions, both in traditional products and mobile health and wearable technologies products and services.

Jacoti’s aims to position itself as the reference in products and services that bring hearing medical technologies onto consumer devices, the trusted scientific innovator in hearing support systems, the “go-to company” for audiology data, information and knowledge.